The Ultimate Guide to Creating Affirmations That Actually Work
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Affirmations That Actually Work

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Affirmations That Actually Work

“Affirmations are like seed planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.” – Louise L. Hay

Source: Hay, Louise L. You Can Heal Your Life. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 1984. Print.

In The Article

The Power of Affirmations: Understanding the Basics

Affirmations are powerful tools for personal development that can affect our brain’s behavior, mindset, and habits. The process by which affirmations work is complex and involves various psychological and neurological mechanisms.

When we repeat affirmations, we are essentially sending messages to our brain about what we want to achieve or experience in our lives. These messages are received by the brain and processed in several different ways.

The Benefits of Positive Affirmations

One of the primary ways that affirmations affect our brain is by activating the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS is a network of neurons that controls our attention and arousal levels. When we repeat affirmations, we are essentially telling our brain what we want to focus on and pay attention to. This can help to shift our attention towards positive experiences and opportunities, and away from negative thoughts and distractions.

Affirmations can also affect our brain’s neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new experiences and stimuli. When we repeat affirmations, we are essentially rewiring our brain and creating new neural pathways associated with the affirmation. This can help to reinforce positive beliefs and habits, and weaken negative ones.

Additionally, affirmations can affect our brain’s reward system. The reward system is a network of neurons that controls our feelings of pleasure and motivation. When we repeat affirmations, we are essentially telling our brain that achieving our desired outcome will be rewarding and pleasurable. This can help to increase our motivation and drive towards our goals.

The Dangers of Negative Affirmations

Negative affirmations, on the other hand, can also affect our brain’s behavior, mindset, and habits. When we repeat negative affirmations, we are essentially reinforcing negative beliefs and habits, and strengthening the neural pathways associated with those beliefs. This can lead to a negative mindset and behavior patterns that are difficult to break.

The process by which affirmations affect our brain’s behavior, mindset, and habits is complex and involves various psychological and neurological mechanisms. Affirmations work by activating the reticular activating system, affecting neuroplasticity, and influencing the brain’s reward system. Negative affirmations, on the other hand, can reinforce negative beliefs and habits, and lead to a negative mindset and behavior patterns. The key to creating effective affirmations is to focus on positive outcomes, use specific and present tense language, and repeat them regularly with a strong emotional connection.

“Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.” – Jim Rohn

Source: Rohn, Jim. Leading an Inspired Life. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2005. Print.

The Science Behind Affirmations

Affirmations have been used for centuries as a means of promoting positive thinking and improving mental and physical health. In recent years, scientific research has shed light on the neurological and psychological mechanisms that make affirmations work.

One of the key ways that affirmations work is by influencing the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is responsible for many of our automatic thoughts, behaviors, and habits. By repeating affirmations, we can begin to reprogram our subconscious mind to think more positively and act in ways that are consistent with our goals and desires.

Research has also shown that affirmations can have a positive impact on the brain. Studies have found that affirmations can activate the brain’s reward centers, leading to increased feelings of happiness and well-being. In addition, affirmations have been found to reduce the activity in the brain’s fear center, which can help to reduce anxiety and stress.

  1. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who practiced self-affirmation experienced less stress and had higher problem-solving abilities compared to those who did not practice self-affirmation (Sherman et al., 2009).
  2. In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers found that self-affirmation can activate the brain’s reward centers, leading to increased feelings of positivity and well-being (Cascio et al., 2016).
  3. A review of studies on self-affirmation published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Review found that self-affirmation can have a positive impact on a range of outcomes, including reducing stress, improving academic performance, and promoting healthier behaviors (Epton et al., 2015).
  4. In a study published in the journal Psychology and Aging, researchers found that older adults who used affirmations to combat negative stereotypes about aging had better memory performance compared to those who did not use affirmations (Levy et al., 2016).

Another way that affirmations work is by shifting our focus and attention. When we repeat affirmations, we are directing our attention towards positive thoughts and beliefs, rather than negative ones. This can help to shift our mindset and perspective, leading to increased optimism and resilience.

Finally, affirmations can also work by changing our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. When we repeat affirmations, we are reinforcing positive beliefs and outcomes, which can help to build confidence and self-esteem. Over time, these positive beliefs can become deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind, leading to lasting changes in our behavior and mindset.

While there is still much to learn about the science behind affirmations, the research that has been done suggests that affirmations can be a powerful tool for promoting positive thinking and improving mental and physical health. By using affirmations regularly and consistently, we can reprogram our subconscious mind, activate our brain’s reward centers, reduce anxiety and stress, shift our focus and attention, and change our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.

The Various Styles of Affirmations

Affirmations have become a popular tool for personal development, and many authors have written about the power of affirmations to create positive change in our lives. While the basic principles of affirmations are similar across authors, each author has their own unique style and approach to crafting effective affirmations.

Neville Goddard

One of the most influential authors on the topic of affirmations is Neville Goddard. Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who wrote extensively on the power of the imagination to create our reality. His approach to affirmations is rooted in the idea that we create our reality through our thoughts and beliefs.

Goddard’s style of affirmations is very direct and simple. He advises his readers to repeat a short, specific affirmation in the present tense as if it has already happened. For example, “I am now happily married” or “I am now financially free.” He emphasizes the importance of feeling the emotion behind the affirmation and using the power of imagination to visualize yourself already having what you desire.

Joseph Murphy

Another influential author in the field of affirmations is Joseph Murphy. Murphy was a spiritual teacher and author who wrote extensively on the power of the subconscious mind to create positive change in our lives. His approach to affirmations is rooted in the idea that the subconscious mind is the key to unlocking our full potential.

Murphy’s style of affirmations is more detailed and specific than Goddard’s. He advises his readers to write out a detailed affirmation in the present tense, using specific details and sensory experiences. For example, “I am now experiencing perfect health and vitality. I feel my body strong and energized, and I enjoy doing physical activities with ease and joy.” He emphasizes the importance of repetition and consistency in using affirmations to reprogram the subconscious mind.

A Special Note for Joseph Murphy

Dr. Murphy is a big proponent of “scientific prayer” There is enough of a difference between this form of prayer and that of using “affirmations” that it warrants understanding.

While affirmations and prayers may seem similar in some ways, there are significant differences between the two.

Affirmations are statements that affirm positive beliefs or outcomes, while prayers are requests for divine intervention or guidance. Affirmations focus on the power of the individual’s mind to create positive change, while prayers focus on the power of a higher power to bring about change.

Joseph Murphy’s use of scientific prayer is rooted in the belief that the mind can influence physical reality through prayer. In his book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,” Murphy argues that the subconscious mind can be programmed through prayer to manifest positive outcomes in one’s life.

By contrast, affirmations are more focused on the individual’s ability to influence their own thoughts and actions through positive self-talk. While both affirmations and prayer can be used to improve one’s mindset and outcomes, the methods and intentions behind them are different.

In other words, while both affirmations and prayers can be useful tools for personal growth and development, they differ in their approach and underlying beliefs. Affirmations are more focused on self-empowerment, while prayers are focused on seeking help from a higher power.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay is another well-known author and teacher who has written extensively on the power of affirmations. Hay’s approach to affirmations is rooted in the idea that we create our reality through the words we speak and the thoughts we think.

Hay’s style of affirmations is more focused on self-love and self-acceptance. She advises her readers to use affirmations that focus on loving and accepting themselves just as they are. For example, “I love and accept myself just as I am” or “I am worthy of love and respect.” She also emphasizes the importance of using positive language and avoiding negative self-talk.

The various styles of affirmations reflect the unique approaches and perspectives of different authors and teachers. While the basic principles of affirmations are similar across authors, each author has their own unique style and approach to crafting effective affirmations. Whether you resonate more with the direct and simple style of Neville Goddard, the detailed and sensory approach of Joseph Murphy, or the self-love and acceptance focus of Louise Hay, the key to creating effective affirmations is to find what resonates with you personally and to repeat them consistently with a strong emotional connection.

Here are some of the various styles of affirmations that are commonly implemented:

  • Positive affirmations: These are positive statements that focus on what you want to achieve or experience in your life. They help to reprogram your subconscious mind and replace negative beliefs with empowering ones. For example, “I am confident and capable” or “I am healthy and full of vitality.”
  • Gratitude affirmations: These affirmations focus on being grateful for the abundance in your life. They help to cultivate a positive mindset and shift your focus to the good things that you have in your life. For example, “I am grateful for all the love and support in my life” or “I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.”
  • Affirmations for self-love: These affirmations focus on self-love and self-acceptance. They help to build self-confidence and self-esteem, and to foster a positive relationship with yourself. For example, “I love and accept myself just as I am” or “I am worthy of love and respect.”
  • Affirmations for abundance: These affirmations focus on attracting abundance into your life, whether it’s financial abundance, abundance of opportunities, or abundance of joy. They help to create a positive mindset and attract positive experiences into your life. For example, “I am open to receiving abundance in all forms” or “I am financially abundant and secure.”
  • Affirmations for health and healing: These affirmations focus on improving your health and healing your body. They help to create a positive mindset and support your body’s natural healing processes. For example, “I am healthy and strong” or “I am healing my body and mind.”
  • Affirmations for success: These affirmations focus on achieving success in your career, relationships, or personal goals. They help to create a positive mindset and attract opportunities for success into your life. For example, “I am successful in my career” or “I am attracting positive opportunities for growth and success.”

“Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.” – Tia Walker

Source: Walker, Tia. The Inspired Caregiver: Finding Joy While Caring for Those You Love. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Print.

Creating Effective Affirmations: Tips and Strategies

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and replace negative beliefs with empowering ones. Here are some steps to creating effective affirmations:

  • Start with the present tense: Write your affirmation as if it’s already happening in your life. For example, instead of saying “I will be successful,” say “I am successful.”
  • Be specific: Make sure your affirmation is specific and meaningful to you. For instance, instead of saying “I am happy,” you can say “I am grateful for the abundance of joy in my life.”
  • Use positive language: State your affirmation in a positive way, focusing on what you want to achieve or experience. Avoid negative words such as “don’t” or “can’t.” For example, instead of saying “I don’t want to be broke,” say “I am financially abundant.”
  • Make it believable: Your affirmation should be realistic and believable to you. If you don’t believe it, you won’t be able to manifest it. For instance, instead of saying “I am a millionaire,” you can say “I am taking steps to increase my income.”
  • Repeat it often: Repetition is key when it comes to affirmations. Repeat your affirmation several times a day, either silently or out loud. This will help it sink into your subconscious mind and become a part of your reality.
  • Visualize: As you repeat your affirmation, visualize yourself already having what you want. This will help you create a strong emotional connection to your affirmation and increase its effectiveness.

Examples of effective affirmations:

  • I am confident and capable.
  • I am worthy of love and respect.
  • I am healthy and full of vitality.
  • I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.
  • I am creating a life that I love.
  • I am attracting positive opportunities and experiences.
  • I am surrounded by loving and supportive people.
  • I trust the universe to guide me towards my highest good.

Remember, affirmations are just one tool in your personal growth toolbox. Use them in combination with other practices such as meditation, visualization, and journaling to create a more fulfilling and abundant life.

Here are some examples of affirmations from the authors we discussed:

  1. Neville Goddard:
  • “I am wealthy, I am rich, I am successful.”
  • “I am confident, I am powerful, I am fearless.”
  • “I am healthy, I am strong, I am vibrant.”
  1. Joseph Murphy:
  • “I am attracting abundance and prosperity into my life.”
  • “I am deserving of love and respect, and I attract positive relationships.”
  • “I am healthy and radiant, and my body is healing itself.”
  1. Louise Hay:
  • “I love and accept myself just as I am.”
  • “I am surrounded by love and support from the universe.”
  • “I am capable of creating a life I love and deserve.”
  1. Jack Canfield:
  • “I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.”
  • “I am surrounded by positivity and abundance.”
  • “I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.”
  1. Rhonda Byrne:
  • “I am attracting success and prosperity into my life.”
  • “I am surrounded by love, joy, and abundance.”
  • “I am worthy of all the good things that come into my life.”

Remember, the key to creating effective affirmations is to use specific, present-tense language and to repeat them regularly with a strong emotional connection.

Additional Information About Affirmations

Here are some additional information about affirmations:

  • Affirmations work by reprogramming the subconscious mind: The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that stores our beliefs, habits, and emotions. Affirmations work by reprogramming the subconscious mind and replacing negative beliefs with positive ones.
  • Affirmations should be stated in the present tense: Affirmations should be stated in the present tense as if the desired outcome has already been achieved. This helps to create a sense of immediacy and emotional connection with the affirmation.
  • Affirmations should be positive: Affirmations should focus on what you want to achieve or experience in your life, rather than what you want to avoid or eliminate. This helps to create a positive mindset and attract positive experiences into your life.
  • Affirmations should be specific: Affirmations should be specific and focus on a particular goal or outcome. This helps to create a clear intention and focus your energy towards that goal.
  • Affirmations should be repeated regularly: Affirmations should be repeated regularly, ideally daily, to create a consistent and strong connection with the desired outcome. Repetition helps to reprogram the subconscious mind and strengthen the neural pathways associated with the affirmation.
  • Affirmations can be enhanced with visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool that can enhance the effectiveness of affirmations. By visualizing yourself already having achieved the desired outcome, you can create a strong emotional connection with the affirmation and amplify its impact.
  • Affirmations are not a magic solution: Affirmations are a powerful tool for personal development, but they are not a magic solution. They work best when combined with other practices, such as meditation, self-reflection, and action towards your goals.

Common mistakes people make when creating and using affirmations, and how to avoid them:

When it comes to creating and using affirmations, there are several common mistakes that people make. These mistakes can prevent individuals from experiencing the full benefits of affirmations and can even lead to negative outcomes. Here are some common mistakes to avoid and tips on how to do so:

  • Using negative language: One of the most common mistakes people make when creating affirmations is using negative language. For example, saying “I am not afraid” instead of “I am confident.” The problem with using negative language is that the subconscious mind does not process negative statements very well and may end up reinforcing the negative belief you are trying to overcome. Instead, focus on using positive language that reinforces the positive outcomes you want to manifest.
  • Creating unrealistic affirmations: Another mistake people make is creating affirmations that are unrealistic or too far-fetched. While it’s important to set high goals and believe in yourself, creating affirmations that are completely unrealistic can actually undermine your confidence and motivation. Instead, create affirmations that are challenging but achievable, and that are aligned with your values and priorities.
  • Lack of repetition: One of the keys to making affirmations effective is repetition. It’s not enough to simply say an affirmation once and hope for the best. You need to repeat your affirmations regularly, ideally every day, and preferably multiple times a day. This repetition helps to reinforce the positive beliefs and outcomes you are trying to manifest.
  • Lack of emotional connection: Another common mistake people make is simply going through the motions of saying affirmations without truly feeling the emotion behind them. Without an emotional connection, affirmations may not have the same impact on the subconscious mind. To make affirmations more effective, try to connect with the emotion behind the affirmation and feel it in your body as you say it.
  • Focusing on the negative: Finally, another common mistake people make when using affirmations is focusing too much on the negative or the problem they are trying to solve. While it’s important to acknowledge negative thoughts and feelings, focusing too much on them can reinforce negative beliefs and outcomes. Instead, focus on positive affirmations that reinforce the positive outcomes you want to manifest.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following these tips, you can create and use affirmations effectively to achieve your goals and manifest positive outcomes in your life.

Using Affirmations In Your Daily Life.

Integrating affirmations into your daily routine can be a powerful way to promote positive thinking and improve your mental and physical well-being. Here are some practical tips for integrating affirmations into your daily life:

  • Start your day with positive affirmations: Begin each day by setting positive intentions for yourself. This can be as simple as saying a few affirmations to yourself before you get out of bed or while you’re getting ready for the day.
  • Use visualization exercises: Visualization exercises can help to reinforce the positive messages of your affirmations. Take a few minutes each day to visualize yourself achieving your goals and living the life you want.
  • Repeat affirmations throughout the day: Make it a habit to repeat your affirmations throughout the day. You can write them down and keep them with you or repeat them to yourself when you have a few moments of downtime.
  • Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing can help to quiet your mind and make it easier to focus on your affirmations. Try incorporating a few minutes of mindfulness practice into your daily routine.
  • Use affirmations during challenging times: When you’re facing a difficult situation or feeling overwhelmed, affirmations can be a powerful tool for helping you stay positive and focused. Repeat affirmations that resonate with you to help stay centered and grounded.

By integrating affirmations into your daily routine takes practice and consistency. By making affirmations a regular part of your life, you can begin to reprogram your subconscious mind and create lasting positive changes in your mindset and behavior. So give it a try and see how affirmations can transform your life!

Incorporating Gratitude into Affirmations Can Transform Your Life

Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to reinforce positive beliefs and outcomes when using affirmations. Gratitude can help you to shift your focus from what you don’t have to what you do have, which can help to cultivate a more positive mindset and promote feelings of contentment and well-being.

When using affirmations, it’s important to incorporate gratitude into your practice. Here are some tips for doing so:

  • Start with gratitude: Begin your affirmations practice by expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life. This can be as simple as saying “thank you” for your health, your family, your job, or any other aspect of your life that you’re grateful for.
  • Combine affirmations with gratitude statements: When crafting your affirmations, try to include statements of gratitude. For example, you might say “I am grateful for my health and my ability to take care of my body” or “I am grateful for my job and the opportunities it provides me.”
  • Use gratitude as a tool for reflection: Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. This can be a formal gratitude practice, such as writing in a gratitude journal, or simply taking a few moments each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for.
  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude: Finally, try to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in all aspects of your life. This means looking for the good in every situation and focusing on the positive aspects of your life, rather than dwelling on the negative.

By incorporating gratitude into your affirmations practice, you can reinforce positive beliefs and outcomes, and cultivate a more positive, grateful mindset. So the next time you practice your affirmations, take a moment to express gratitude and see how it transforms your practice and your outlook on life.

Additional Resources on Affirmations

Here are some books, websites, and other resources on the topics related to affirmations:



  • offers a guide to creating affirmations for personal and professional growth
  • offers tips and resources for using affirmations and visualization to achieve goals and improve well-being
  • provides information and resources on using the law of attraction, which is closely related to affirmations
  • offers a wide variety of affirmations for different areas of life, as well as tips and resources for using affirmations effectively


  • ThinkUp: a popular app that allows users to create and listen to personalized affirmations
  • I Am: an app that provides daily affirmations and inspiration to users
  • Gratitude: an app that encourages users to express gratitude and cultivate a positive mindset through daily prompts and exercises


  • The Daily Meditation Podcast: offers daily meditations and affirmations for relaxation, stress relief, and personal growth
  • The Affirmation Pod: features guided affirmations and meditations on a variety of topics, including self-esteem, relationships, and success
  • The Mind Your Business Podcast: discusses strategies for using affirmations, visualization, and other mindset tools to achieve success in business and life.

These resources offer a wealth of information and guidance for those looking to incorporate affirmations into their daily lives and experience greater levels of well-being, success, and positivity.

In summary, affirmations are a powerful tool for personal development that work by reprogramming the subconscious mind and creating a positive mindset. They should be stated in the present tense, be positive and specific, and be repeated regularly with a strong emotional connection. Affirmations work best when combined with other practices and are not a magic solution on their own.

“Affirmation is not a luxury, but a necessity. It is a strategy of reinforcing a positive self-concept, created through visualization and other mental rehearsal techniques.” – Athletes in Action

Source: Athletes in Action. Competing with Purpose. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2000. Print.

The Effect of Affirmations: How They Can Help You Transform Your Life

Affirmations are a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. By repeating positive statements to yourself, you can shift your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, and achieve your goals and dreams.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be exploring different aspects of affirmations and how they can help you live your best life. Here’s a preview of some of the topics we’ll be covering:

  • The role of affirmations in managing stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Learn how affirmations can help you manage stress and anxiety, and improve your overall well-being.
  • How affirmations can help in overcoming limiting beliefs and negative self-talk: Many of us have limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that hold us back from achieving our goals. Discover how affirmations can help you challenge these negative thought patterns and replace them with positive beliefs and attitudes.
  • Different types of affirmations for different areas of life: Whether you’re looking to improve your relationships, your health, or your finances, there are affirmations that can help. We’ll be exploring different types of affirmations for different areas of life, so you can find the ones that resonate with you.
  • The use of affirmations in combination with other techniques: While affirmations can be powerful on their own, they can be even more effective when used in combination with other techniques, such as meditation and visualization. We’ll be exploring how you can combine different practices to amplify the impact of your affirmations.
  • Personal success stories of individuals who have used affirmations: Finally, we’ll be sharing inspiring stories of individuals who have used affirmations to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. These stories will show you the power of affirmations in action, and inspire you to start using them in your own life.

Stay tuned for more articles on these topics, and start exploring the power of affirmations for yourself!

Final Notes About affirmations

We hope this guide has provided you with a deeper understanding of affirmations and how they can be used to improve your life. Remember, affirmations are a powerful tool that can help you overcome limiting beliefs, cultivate positive habits, and achieve your goals.

Remember, incorporating daily affirmations into your routine can have a profound impact on your mindset and overall well-being. Take a few moments each day to focus on your positive intentions and beliefs, and watch as they become your reality. Morning, noon and night, it will never hurt to have a few positive thoughts going into your headspace.

As you continue on your journey, we encourage you to explore the different types of affirmations and find the ones that resonate with you the most. Whether you prefer to recite daily affirmations, practice visualization exercises, or incorporate mindfulness techniques, there’s no one “right” way to use affirmations.

In addition, be mindful of common mistakes when creating affirmations and remember to express gratitude as you work towards your goals. Finally, stay tuned for our upcoming articles on managing stress and anxiety, overcoming limiting beliefs, and using affirmations in different areas of your life.

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